WHAT IF gene sequencing technology can lead a revolution in the field of agriculture?
Gene sequencing technology has the potential to revolutionize agriculture by enabling a deeper understanding of crop traits, facilitating the breeding of superior varieties, and accelerating agricultural development.

This transformative impact extends to addressing global challenges such as food security, enhancing crop quality and promoting sustainable farming practices.

In the past decade, advances in gene sequencing technology have greatly propelled agricultural production and food security. Scientists have used sequencing technology not only to gain a deeper understanding of crop traits but also to breed varieties with superior characteristics such as high yield and drought tolerance based on genetic information. Professor Rajeev Varshney from the Future Food Research Institute at Murdoch University, in collaboration with MGI, has made significant breakthroughs in agricultural gene sequencing technology. This has deepened understanding of crop characteristics and accelerated breeding programs, driving development in agriculture and making outstanding contributions to global sustainable food systems.

As a leading figure in global agricultural genomics, Professor Rajeev Varshney has had a significant impact on genomics, genetic diversity, molecular breeding, seed systems, and capacity enhancement. He previously worked at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in India, focusing on establishing genomic resources and genetic analysis systems for major solitary tropical crops in Asia and Africa. During this tenure, he became acquainted with DNBSEQ™ sequencing technology and has been collaborating with MGI for many years. As of now, Professor Varshney and MGI have collaborated on more than 17 published papers, including 7 in top-tier journals such as "Nature."

For many developing countries, obtaining high-quality sequencing data at a lower cost for crop improvement is crucial to address issues such as declining agricultural productivity. In this field, MGI's cost-effective sequencing technology is helping customers and partners better understand agricultural genomics, develop valuable genomic resources for important food crops, and contribute to eliminating global hunger.

Under the leadership of Professor Varshney, the South Australian Biomedical Precinct (SABC) at Murdoch University is establishing an advanced genomics platform to delve into crop genomics. The platform aims to study genetic material in plant cells to enhance the quality and stress resistance of five fruits: banana, pineapple, papaya, custard apple, and passion fruit. The gene data and information obtained from this project will be made available to breeders and growers through public databases. This accessibility will enable them to quickly understand crop traits and expedite the cultivation of high-yielding varieties for the benefit of growers. This platform will also be used in future projects for the improvement of other field and horticultural crops.

The MGISP-960 high-throughput automated sample preparation system, DNBSEQ-T7 ultra-high-throughput gene sequencer, and ZTRON genomics data integration machine provided by Huada Genomics have become essential supports for Murdoch University's advanced genomics platform. Professor Varshney notes that the efficient flexibility and ultra-high throughput (up to 7TB per day) of DNBSEQ-T7 will play a crucial role in this research. Leveraging the more in-depth, faster, and more accurate sequencing workflow of the DNBSEQ™ sequencing platform, they will conduct whole-genome sequencing data assembly and germplasm resource whole-genome sequencing for these five crops. He and his team look forward to analyzing more samples at a lower cost in the future, uncovering more research possibilities.

  • Professor. Rajeev Varshney
    Murdoch University
    Fellow of the Royal Society in the United Kingdom
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"In the ongoing collaboration with MGI, I have witnessed the continuous development of MGI sequencing technology.

Leveraging MGIs' core DNBSEQ™ sequencing technology, we can sequence thousands of genomes in a relatively short time and at a lower cost. MGI ultra-high-throughput gene sequencers and automated equipment play a crucial role in accelerating basic science and the practical application of genomics, contributing significantly to agricultural development in both developed and developing countries.

MGI is not just a provider of gene sequencing equipment but also a vital partner empowering scientists to drive scientific advancements."
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